Let It Wine Quotes: Victor Hugo

Let It Wine Quotes: Victor Hugo

"God made water, but man made wine." – Victor Hugo

Though it may be up for discussion as to where such a godly drink such as wine truly comes from, it is worth noting that man has perfected it over the ages. Wine has been recorded in history for thousands of years, though its historic taste would be something unrecognizable today – with ancient romans going so far as adding sea water into the wine mixture to better preserve it.

Some “recipes” from ancient times include the addition of ancient meads, beer, spices and herbs and it is said that the taste was somewhat like that of turpentine or cough syrup. So whatever divine hand created wine, we thank but we are oh so grateful to man for perfecting this bacchus liquid to a state of palatable bliss!

A wine fit for the gods? Brunello di Montalcino

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