10 Reasons to Visit Tuscany During Harvest Season

Wine Itineraries
10 Reasons to Visit Tuscany During Harvest Season

Though beautiful in any season, there is no better time to visit Tuscany than during the fall harvest. From the perfect weather to the wine festivals, this idyllic period between the end of August and October is an ideal introduction to this unique Italian region. With both wine grapes and local food ready to harvest, and the summer crowds beginning to shrink, there are endless reasons why it's the best time of year to plan a visit.

1. Tradition
Visitors can get a true taste of local culture by spending a day picking the world famous grapes, complete with a hardy home-cooked lunch once the work is done. Though part of the fun is the anticipation of exactly when the grapes will be ready for harvest, September is generally a good bet.

2. Wine Festivals
While harvesting grapes is fun, drinking wine may be even more enjoyable. One particularly popular wine festival is Vino al Vino in mid-September, but there are other festivals as well throughout the fall.

3. Harvest Festivals
Wine isn't the only delicacy Tuscany can boast about. Olives, mushrooms, and more are also celebrated with harvest festivals.

4. Weather
The height of summer in the boot of Europe can be brutal. Late summer through early autumn is the ideal time to visit, as it is not too hot, but winter's chill hasn't yet arrived.

5. Cost
Though not yet in the winter slow season, the sky high prices of summer will start to fall during this timeframe, making it a more budget-friendly time to visit.

6. Landscape
Tuscany is particularly lovely during this time of year, as the grape leaves and trees begin to change color, creating a landscape of unrivaled beauty.

7. "Ferragosto" Finished
The Italian summer holidays are about over, so shops and restaurants are back to regular hours.

8. Truffles
September features the happy overlap of the end of black truffle season and the start of white truffle season. White truffle are a particular Tuscan delicacy, and large ones have sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

9. School in Session
Kids, both local and tourist, are back in school, which means a slightly less congested city for the remaining visitors.

10. Hot Springs
It's finally cool enough to enjoy Tuscany's natural hot springs in Saturnia, a delightful day trip that shouldn't be skipped.

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