10 (More) Reasons to Drink Red Wine

10 (More) Reasons to Drink Red Wine
Besides being the most delicious beverage known to man, red wine is great for socializing and unwinding at the end of the day. But it's been thought for a while now that red wine is really good for your physical health, and there's science to back that up:

1. It may reduce the risk of cancer While excessive alcohol use increases your chance of getting cancer, resveratrol present in red wine can kill cells with damaged DNA and reduce the risk.

2. It engages your brain Tasting wine (you know, in the fancy way) engages even more gray matter than listening to music.

3. It has anti-aging properties Wine contains polyphenols, antioxidants that absorb free radicals that are a factor in age-related illnesses.

4. It's good for your heart Again, too much alcohol can hurt the heart, but a glass of red wine every day can improve your circulation. In fact, populations that consume a lot of red wine have lower rates of heart disease, even if they consume a lot of fatty, rich foods (known as the "French paradox").

5. It may help with depression In one study, those who drank moderate amounts of wine had lower rates of depression.

6. It may keep your skin healthy Antioxidants in wine keep your skin from aging and have been suggested to fight acne-causing bacteria.

7. It can help with diabetes If you have diabetes, you should ask your doctor if it's okay for you to consume alcohol. However, one study showed that people with type 2 diabetes who consumed moderate amounts of red wine had improved cardiometabolic rates.

8. It may protect your vision Resveratrol might reduce the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the eyes.

9. It may promote gut microbiome health Red wine can encourage the growth of certain kinds of gut bacteria that improve the health of your digestive system.

10. It may increase bone density Resveratrol has been suggested to increase spinal bone density and may even be used as a treatment for osteoporosis.

Red wine also contains silicon, which is good for your bones overall. If you've been convinced to start having a glass of wine with your dinner, you should give Italian wine a try. Italy has been making wine for thousands of years now, and you can certainly taste it in the wines!

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